Roy Kim Identified as “Kim” in the JJY Chats; Booked for Allegedly Sharing Obscene Photos


Roy Kim, the once squeaky-clean singer of the hit songs “Bom Bom Bom” and “Love Love Love,” has now been implicated of passing around explicit photos in the infamous Jung Joon Young Kakao chats.

Kim, who is currently in the United States attending Georgetown University, was booked by the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency for distributing illegal photos on April 4, 2019. Police have requested he return to South Korea for questioning immediately. Kim initially received a summons to appear for questioning April 2, 2019.

According to Insight, Kim allegedly said that he wanted to become a singer because he “wanted girls.” These reports are not confirmed at this time.

In relation to the photo, police did not state if Kim took the photo himself. However, it was present in the chats involving him, Jung, and others.

When asked about Kim’s booking and his impending return to South Korean, Kim’s agency, Stone Music Entertainment, said, “Roy Kim is currently in the U.S. studying, but he is adjusting his schedules so that he can return to Korea as quickly as possible in order to participate in the police investigation. Furthermore, he plans on taking part in all investigations diligently.”

Police also revealed that there are 23 chat rooms with 16 participants tied to the ongoing Jung Joon Young investigation.

Kim was the 2012 winner of Superstar K 4. Since winning the show, Kim’s career took off thanks to his haunting vocals and folksy charm. He’s also held positions as a radio presenter and has appeared on several variety shows including Flower Boy Bromance, 2 Days & 1 Night, and King of Mask Singer. Jung also appeared with Kim in some of these shows, an occurrence fans are now analyzing due to conversations that allegedly hint at the chats.

Kim and Jung have a friendship that started on Superstar K 4. Eddy Kim, who has also been named as a member of the chats, was also on that show. Kim’s father once warned his son about being friends with Jung. Reports indicate that Kim’s father, who is a college professor, apologized to his students for his son’s controversy.

All parties are considered innocent until proven guilty in the court of law.



—-Olivia Murray

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View Comments (1)

  • This whole situation is so gross. I hope they find those who are guilty, guilty and those who are innocent will be left innocent. In no way are women objects and should have their personal and intimate lives shared. I hope a situation like this never happens again. Also, I hope those who are found guilty get a punishment worthy of their crimes. Not just 2.5 years...
