Reasons Why Seaweed Is Good For You


Seaweed has recently become increasingly in-demand all over the world. The global seaweed snacks market size is forecasted to hit $3 billion by 2026, at a growth rate of 10.00% in the forecast period.

The sea plant grows naturally along shorelines in most countries, but it has been traditionally most commonly produced and consumed in Japan, Korea and China for thousands of years.

This seafood is known to be super healthy for many reasons. It is known to provide you with the best dietary source of iodine, bountiful amounts of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin K, Vitamin E, B vitamins, zinc, iron, copper, magnesium, calcium, protective antioxidants, fiber, and omega-3 fats.

Iodine is an essential mineral that is crucial to the body – just one gram of seaweed provides your day’s worth – a must for the thyroid.
Vitamin K is a group of vitamins that assists the body for blood clotting, keeps bones healthy, and helps wounds heal and recover. The iron and calcium in seaweed provide support for the bones, and the omega-3 fatty acids are essential for joints.

There are many more benefits from eating seaweed:
Seaweed can help increase hair and nail growth, stabilize sugar levels, enhance eyesight (seaweed contains astaxanthin that protects eyesight), support collagen production, cleanse the digestive system, prevent anemia, reduce fatigue and – might even work wonders in preventing depression or anxiety.
The green plant of the sea also contains polyphenols, which supports anti-cancer processes.

Seaweed’s not just beneficial to the health – it even tastes great. You can find seaweed snacks available in many different flavors, seasoning, textures, with various ingredients. When you have the right seaweed product that suits you, you’ll be craving for more after the first bite.

It’s no wonder the superfood is sought-after by so many because unlike so many other available snacks out there – it effectively helps cut down weight since it’s very low on calories.


Annie Chun’s is the #1 selling brand of seaweed snacks in America


Another great thing about seaweed is that it is very essential for vegans. Since vegans do not consume fish in their diet, they would probably lack certain nutrients that are crucial to the body. Consuming seaweed could play its role and help them gain the supplement and minerals they need.

Seaweed, whether as a snack or a meal, would definitely be worth adding to your diet, as it is low in calories but rich in nutrients, available in many varieties. We could all benefit from the abundant fiber and plant compounds that seaweed products can offer.



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