
DALLAS, TEXAS, JUNE 15, 2015 - The Hallyu Festival & Conference, which was scheduled for July 3, 2015, through July 4, 2015, at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas, Texas, has been postponed until July 2016 due to the current MERS outbreak in South Korea.


Hallyu Festival & Conference Announces Postponement

DALLAS, TEXAS, JUNE 15, 2015 – The Hallyu Festival & Conference, which was scheduled for July 3, 2015, through July 4, 2015, at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas, Texas, has been postponed until July 2016 due to the current MERS outbreak in South Korea.

Although the organizers of the Hallyu Festival & Conference gave the matter much consideration, postponing the event is in the best interest of all involved parties including South Korean performers and festival-goers. With the current MERS outbreak, there is a potential for a health scare, and the Hallyu Festival & Conference organizers, performers, and artists are erring on the side of caution. The artists and performers agreed that the postponement was a wise decision, and they look forward to coming to participate in the 2016 Hallyu Festival & Conference.

Ticket holders can receive a refund by contacting support@hallyufest.com or by contacting their ticketing agency. Full refunds will be given with exception to service fees. Should ticket holders wish to retain their current tickets, they will have top priority for the next scheduled event.

The 2016 Hallyu Festival & Conference will be officially announced at a later date. The event will feature Asian performances, art, food, entertainment, and more. The Hallyu Festival & Conference gives a glimpse at true Asian culture, with events and demonstrations featuring pop culture, music, music videos, and more. The Hallyu Festival & Conference aims to raise awareness for Asian culture while offering a fun experience for people of all backgrounds. Customers will be able to place their tickets on lay away at a future date to lock in their spot before slots fill up. Scholarship recipients will also be announced at the event. Those that have submitted the 2015 scholarship application before the deadline, will not have to resubmit. More information can be found at http://hallyufest.com/.

About the Hallyu Festival & Conference

The Hallyu Festival & Conference strives to bring people closer to Asian culture, music, and art.



Denise Coley, Founder/CEO

E-mail: info@hallyufest.com

Phone: 972-848-7299

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