[Audio] Candid Conversations with KCrush Ep. 4: Alex Wong

Alexander Wong (IG @slackkeyalex) is a slack-key guitarist who was born and raised in O‘ahu, Hawaii. He plays traditional Hawiian slack-key guitar music that is infused with acoustic styling, all integrated into ultra modern compositions and productions. At the age of 17 he started playing slack-key and studied under the legendary Jeff Peterson. Before releasing his first debut album S-K1, Alex graduated from the Berklee College of Music in Boston, where he specialized in Songwriting and minored in Philosophy. Alex’s music has been compared to: Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin, Claude Debussy, George Winston, Jimi Hendrix, John Butler, Kotaro Oshio and Slack-Key guitarist Makana. His music is known for being  emotional yet uplifting and dreamy. You can find S-K1 on iTunes, Spotify and YouTube.

Interviewer: Cwamne Howard

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Denise Coley: