Actress Jung Chae-yul Found Dead


There is sad news to report as 26-year-old South Korean actress Jung Chae-yul has been found dead in her apartment. Her body was discovered April 11, 2023.

Management S Team, Jung’s agency, confirmed the Zombie Detective actress’ passing in a statement.

“Today, we are relaying sorrowful and heartbreaking news. Actress Jung Chae-yul left our side on April 11, 2023. In accordance with the wishes of the bereaved family who must have been in greater sadness than anyone else, the funeral will be held quietly in private. Please wish for Jung Chae-yul, who had always been earnest in her pursuit of acting, to rest in peace in a warm place. We earnestly request that you refrain from writing speculative articles or spreading rumors,” the statement said.

Prior to acting, Jung was a model who appeared on the 2016 TV show Devil’s Runway. In 2018, Jung made her acting debut in Deep, but her breakthrough role was in 2020’s Zombie Detective. She also held a supporting role in 2022’s I Have Not Done My Best Yet. She was slated to have a role in the K-Drama Wedding Impossible that was expected to start filming soon, but production has been canceled following Jung’s passing while the production company assesses the situation and their next steps.

On April 7, 2023, Jung uploaded a captionless Instagram post, her last, where she’s wearing headphones and enjoying some drinks. Fans have been leaving tributes to the rising star in comments.

We send our condolences to Jung Chae-yul’s family and friends during this sad time.


—-Olivia Murray



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